Oppenheimer’s 17th Annual Israeli Conference

Representatives of Sichenzia Ross Ference Kesner LLP and our affiliates, Doron, Tikotzky, Kantor, Gutman, Cederboum and Co., will be attending Oppenheimer’s 17th Annual Israel Conference, to be held at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel-Aviv on Sunday, May 21st 2017. Guests will include insurance companies, pension funds, provident funds, mutual funds, banks, venture capitals, and money managers. Based on previous years’ events, this conference is expected to attract approximately 500 participants, more than 40 Israeli companies, as well as considerable media coverage.

May 21st, 2017
Tel-Aviv, Israel

David Intercontinental Hotel
Kaufmann St 12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 61501, Israel

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