新闻稿 – 纽约,纽约 – 2023年6月15日 – 西森齐亚·罗斯·费伦斯律师事务所今日宣布,其代表ThinkEquity LLC完成了Forza XI公司(NASDAQ: FRZA)的普通股公开发行。Forza XI是一家致力于开发电动运动船,推动可持续娱乐航行的公司。此次发行包括5,334,000股普通股,公开发行价格为每股1.50美元,总收益为800万美元。公司还授予了承销商一项45天的选择权,以公开发行价额外购买最多800,100股普通股,以弥补超额配售。
西森齐亚·罗斯·费伦斯律师事务所的团队由合伙人Gregory Sichenzia、Jay Yamamoto以及助理Mayank Pradhan领导。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2023 年 4 月 25 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表 Wang & Lee Group, Inc. 首次公开发行普通股(纳斯达克股票代码:WLGS),金额为 800 万美元。从事机电系统安装的建筑主承包商和分包商。首次公开发行包括由 Wang & Lee Group, Inc. 发行和出售的 1,600,000 股普通股,公开发行价格为每股 5.00 美元。
Boustead Securities, LLC 担任承销商。
Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 团队由合伙人 Benjamin Tan 领导。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约市 – 2022 年 12 月 27 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 宣布代表 Network 1 Financial Securities, Inc. 公开发售 Horizon Space Acquisition I Corp.(“公司”),这是一家新成立的空白公司检查公司注册为开曼群岛豁免公司。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约市 – 2022 年 10 月 3 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表 ThinkEquity LLC 参与制造商、分销商和分销商 Twin Vee PowerCats Co.(纳斯达克股票代码:VEEE)的普通股公开发售。动力运动双体船的营销商。此次发行包括 2,500,000 股普通股,公开发行价为每股 2.75 美元,总收益为 6,875,000 美元。公司已授予承销商 45 天的选择权,以购买最多 375,000 股额外普通股,以弥补超额配售。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约市 – 2022 年 2 月 7 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表 Alset Capital Acquisition Corp.(纳斯达克代码:ACAXU),这是一家新成立的空白支票公司,旨在实现合并,股本在纳斯达克上市和以每股 10.00 美元的公开发行价格首次公开发行 7,500,000 个单位,每个单位包括一只 A 类普通股、一只一份可赎回认股权证的一半,以及在完成初始业务合并后获得一股 A 类普通股十分之一 (1/10) 的权利。在扣除承销折扣、佣金和发行费用之前,此次发行的总收益(包括超额配售期权股份)为 86,250,000 美元。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2021 年 10 月 25 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表 Cyngn, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CYN),一家风险投资支持的为工业和商业企业提供创新自动驾驶软件解决方案的开发商,在其首次公开募股。此次发行包括 3,500,000 股普通股,公开发行价为每股 7.50 美元,总收益为 26,300,000 美元。 CYN 之前的股东包括 Benchmark Capital、Andreessen Horowitz 和 Qualcomm Ventures。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2021 年 10 月 4 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表美国电池技术公司(OTCQB:ABML),这是一家美国拥有的关键矿产公司,目前正在建造第一个非热集成锂离子电池美国电池回收厂,融资 3910 万美元。此次发行包括 3,910 万美元的证券,总计 25,389,611 股普通股和认股权证,购买价格为每股 1.54 美元,在注册直接发行中。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2021 年 7 月 12 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布,它代表 The Glimpse Group(纳斯达克股票代码:VRAR)(公司),一家多元化的虚拟现实和增强现实(“VR”和“AR”)提供以企业为中心的 VR 和 AR 软件及服务解决方案的平台公司,首次公开发行 2,012,500 股普通股,其中包括全面行使承销商的超额配股权。此次发行的定价为每股 7.00 美元。所得款项总额约为 1,410 万美元。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2021 年 5 月 24 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 祝贺 Jiuzi Holdings Inc.(以下简称“公司”)(纳斯达克股票代码:JZXN),一家名为“久子”的中国新能源汽车特许经销商和零售商,在 2021 年 5 月 20 日首次公开募股最终结束时。公司通过以每股 5.00 美元的公开发行价格发行 5,200,000 股普通股,筹集了 2600 万美元的总收益,在扣除承销折扣、佣金和其他发行费用之前.普通股于 2021 年 5 月 18 日在纳斯达克资本市场开始交易,股票代码为“JZXN”。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约 – 2021 年 5 月 13 日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP 今天宣布代表 Alset EHome International Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:AEI),这是一家多元化的控股公司,主要通过其子公司从事房地产开发、数字转换技术和生物健康活动,在公开发行中。此次发行包括 4,700,637 个单位(“普通单位”),向公众定价为每普通单位 5.07 美元,每个普通单位包括 (a) 一股普通股,每股面值 0.001 美元(“普通股”) ),(b) 一份 A 系列认股权证,以每股 5.07 美元的初始行使价购买一股普通股,以及 (c) 一份 B 系列认股权证,以初始行使价购买一半普通股的认股权证每股 6.59 美元。所得款项总额约为 3,200 万美元。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2021年5月3日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.担任独家承销商,参与140,000,000股普通股的承销公开发行以及承销商行权后行使的21,000,000额外股可以购买Shimtake香菇和其他食用菌的领先农产品供应商,加工商和零售商Farmmi,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:FAMI)的股票以支付超额配售的选择权。发行价格为每股0.30美元,发行总收益为4830万美元。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2021年4月5日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表领先的视频交付平台提供商SeaChange International,Inc.(NASDAQ:SEAC)公开发售10,323,484股公司的普通股。发行价为每股1.85美元,高于五天平均收盘价1.26美元。总收益约为1,910万美元。此外,公司已授予承销商选择购买公开发售中额外15%的普通股的权利,仅用于支付超额配售(如果有)在本次发行结束后的45天内可以行使的超额配售权;总收益将达到约2200万美元。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2021年4月1日–领先的证券和律师事务所Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,其代表智能眼镜和增强现实技术的领先供应商Vuzix Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码:“ VUZI”) (AR)面向消费者和企业市场的技术和产品,公开发售4768,293股公司普通股,每股价格为20.50美元,其中包括621,951股,承销商充分行使了他们的超额配股权。此次发行给公司带来的总收益约为9775万美元。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2021年3月25日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家簿记人,参与其对MySize,Inc.(NASDAQ: MYSZ),移动设备测量解决方案的创建者,已开发出创新的解决方案,旨在解决多个垂直领域的缺点,包括电子商务时尚/服装,运输/包裹和DIY(DIY)行业,价格为每股1.26美元,总收益约为330万美元。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2021年2月18日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,其作为AGP / Alliance Global Partners的独家配售代理以直接配售形式向ION Geophysical Corporation(NYSE:IO)发行2,990,001股普通股),该公司为海上能源,港口和国防工业提供强大的数据驱动型决策,使客户能够优化运营并获得卓越的回报。发行价格为每股3.50美元,总收益为1050万美元。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2021年2月9日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Document Security Systems,Inc.(纽约证券交易所股票代码:DSS),一家跨国公司,致力于品牌保护技术,区块链安全,直接营销,医疗保健,房地产和证券化数字资产,以每股2.80美元的价格公开发行14,167,247股公司普通股,总收益约为3,970万美元。普通股是根据SEC在2019年5月8日宣布生效的表格S-3的货架登记声明(文件号333-230740)提供的。
Press Release – New York, NY – February 2, 2021 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP today announced that it represented Aegis Capital Corp. as sole bookrunner in an underwritten offering of 10,000,000 shares of the common stock of Avinger, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGR), a commercial-stage medical device company marketing the first and only intravascular image-guided, catheter-based system for diagnosis and treatment of patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), at a price of $1.44 per share. The gross proceeds of the offering were approximately $14.4 million, prior to deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses.
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2021年2月2日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家账簿管理人,承销Avinger,Inc.(NASDAQ:AVGR)1000万股普通股,这是一家商业阶段的医疗设备公司,以每股1.44美元的价格销售第一个也是唯一的基于血管内图像引导的导管系统,用于诊断和治疗外周动脉疾病(PAD)。扣除承销折扣和佣金以及估计的发行费用之前,发行的总收益约为1,440万美元。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年8月6日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家账簿管理人,参与承销Avinger Inc.(NASDAQ:AVGR)15,789,474股普通股,这是一家商业阶段的医疗设备公司,以每股0.38美元的价格销售第一个也是唯一的基于血管内图像引导的导管系统,用于诊断和治疗外周动脉疾病(PAD)。此次发行是根据先前已提交给美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的表格S-3(第333-230124号)的注册声明进行的,该声明于2019年3月29日生效。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2020年8月4日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,其代表Fordham Financial Management子公司ThinkEquity作为1847 Goedeker Inc.普通股的首次公开发行的唯一簿记人。 (纽约证券交易所:GOED),这是一站式的电子商务目的地,用于家用电器,家具,家庭用品和相关产品。此次发行包括1,111,200股普通股,每股价格9.00美元,总收益为10,000,800美元,减去承销折扣和发行费用。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年7月31日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP代表Document Security Systems,Inc.(NYSE American:DSS)成立,这是一家跨国公司,致力于品牌保护技术,区块链安全,直销,医疗保健,房地产和证券化数字资产,以每股7.50美元的价格公开发行453,333股普通股,DSS的总收益为340万美元,扣除承销折扣和其他发行费用。此次发行是根据表格S-3的货架注册声明(文件号333-230740)进行的,该声明先前已提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)并于2019年5月8日宣布生效。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年7月17日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Zynex,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:“ ZYXI”)代表一家创新医疗技术公司,该公司专门制造和销售非侵入性医疗设备,旨在为止痛,中风康复,心脏监测和神经系统诊断,以及某特定股东,以每股22.00美元的公开发行价格公开发行总计250万股普通股。此次发行是根据向证券交易委员会(SEC)提交并于2019年3月12日生效的表格S-3的注册声明(文件号333-230128)进行的。提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)并于2019年7月3日生效的S-3表格(文件号333-232367)生效,分别由ZYXI和出售股东提供的普通股。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年7月17日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP宣布其代表临床阶段免疫学公司INmune Bio Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:INMB),该公司致力于开发利用患者先天免疫系统进行对抗的疗法发行了2,173,914股公司普通股,每股价格为10美元。在扣除承销折扣和其他发行费用之前,INMB的总收益为2174万美元,净收益估计为2000万美元。此次发行是根据表格S-3(文件号333-237368)的货架注册声明进行的,该声明已提交给美国证券交易委员会(“ SEC”),并于2020年4月2日生效。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2020年6月5日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家账簿管理人,承销Digital Ally,Inc.(NASDAQ:2,325,581股)的普通股视频安全公司DGLY),每股价格为2.15美元。承销商选择同时关闭由213,953股普通股组成的超额配股权,从而使本次发行的总收益达到约540万美元,其中扣除了承销折扣和其他发行费用。
新闻稿-纽约州-2020年4月23日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表AGP / Alliance Global Partners作为Safe-T Group Ltd.(NASDAQ)的承销公开发行的唯一账簿管理人。 ,TASE:SFET),这是针对本地和混合云环境的安全访问解决方案的提供商。公司提供的证券包括(i)858,600单位,每单位包括一股代表40股普通股的美国存托凭证(“ ADS”)和一份购买一股ADS的认股权证(“认股权证”),以及(ii)6,777,500预售单位,每个单位包括一份预购权证,用于购买一份美国存托凭证和一份权证。发行价格为每单位1.10美元和每笔预资助单位1.099美元。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年4月23日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Beyond Air,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:“ XAIR”),这是一家临床阶段的医疗设备和生物制药公司,致力于开发吸入一氧化氮。 (NO)用于治疗呼吸系统疾病的患者,在有价证券发行(“ ATM”)中,公司可能会不时发行和出售其普通股的总发行价格不超过50,000,000美元。
新闻稿-纽约州,纽约-2020年2月19日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家簿记人参与200,000股8%发行的Medalist Diversified累积可赎回优先股的承销房地产投资信托基金REIT,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:MDRR),专门从事增值商业房地产的收购,所有权和管理。这些股票以每股23.00美元的发行价出售,总收益为460万美元,并开始在纳斯达克资本市场上交易,股票代码为“ MDRRP”。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2020年2月18日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,其代表福特汉姆金融管理有限公司(Fordham Financial Management,Inc.)的子公司ThinkEquity为唯一的账簿管理人,而基准公司(The Benchmark Company)为该公司的联合经理。以每股6.00美元的价格发行810万美元的Duos Technologies Group,Inc.(NASDAQ:DUOT)的普通股。发行同时,普通股获准在纳斯达克资本市场上市,并于2020年2月13日开始交易,股票代码为DUOT。
新闻稿-纽约州,纽约-2020年2月4日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家簿记人,参与后续发行Avinger,Inc.(NASDAQ)6,428,572股普通股:AVGR),领先的外周动脉疾病治疗方法开发商,发行价为每股0.70美元,总收益为450万美元。根据Avinger在表格S-1上的有效注册声明(注册号333-235902)发售和出售股票。
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2020年1月16日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表匈牙利投资公司MFBNövekedésiTökealap及其经理,致力于推广的国有风险投资公司Hiventures Zrt。代表匈牙利的初创企业和企业购买了ActiveGraf Inc.的约90万美元A股优先股,ActiveGraf是北卡罗来纳州的一家私营公司,致力于创建交互式数据分析。
新闻稿–纽约,纽约– 2020年1月10日– Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表AGP / Alliance Global Partners作为独家配售代理以Cellect Biotechnology Ltd的登记直接发行1,000,000美国存托股份(“ ADS”) (纳斯达克股票代码:“ APOP”),这是一种创新技术的开发商,能够对干细胞进行功能选择。每个ADS代表APOP的100股普通股。发行价格为每ADS 3.00美元,总收益约为3,000,000美元,扣除费用和其他估计发行费用。
新闻稿-纽约州,纽约-2019年12月12日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Beyond Air,Inc.(NASDAQ:XAIR),一家专注于开发可吸入一氧化氮(NO)的临床阶段医疗器械和生物制药公司。为治疗严重的呼吸道疾病,以每股3.66美元的价格成功完成了承销的公开发行和并发私募的约1150万美元的Beyond Air普通股。公开发行是根据向证券交易委员会提交的有效货架注册声明进行的。私募股份不会被注册。
新闻稿-纽约州,纽约-2019年12月6日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Relmada Therapeutics,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:RLMD)(一家开发抑郁症和中枢神经系统疾病疗法的临床阶段公司)成功完成以每股30.00美元的价格承销300万股Relmada普通股的公开发售。
新闻稿-纽约州,纽约-2019年11月4日-Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为独家承销商参与Cocrystal Pharma,Inc.(NASDAQ:COCP)3,529,412股的承销公开发行。普通股,每股价格为0.85美元,总收益约为300万美元。 Cocrystal是一家临床阶段生物技术公司,致力于发现和开发新型抗病毒疗法 continue reading >>
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约市 – 2019年8月26日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,它已代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为公开发行股票的唯一账簿管理人,共同出售3,813,559股Avinger,Inc。(纳斯达克股票代码:AVGR)股票股票,每股1.18美元,总收益约为450万美元。 Avinger是外周动脉疾病创新治疗的领先开发商
新闻稿 – 纽约,纽约 – 2019年8月2日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,它已代表Aegis Capital Corp.作为Sigma Labs,Inc。的287.5万股普通股的承销公开发行的唯一账面管理经理。纳斯达克股票代码:SGLB)每股收益0.80美元,总收益为230万美元。 Sigma Labs是PrintRite3D品牌下的质量保证软件提供商。
新闻稿 – 纽约,纽约 – 2019年7月23日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,它代表福特汉姆财务管理部门ThinkEquity作为Immuron Limited(纳斯达克证券交易所股票代码制品公司)135万美元公开募股的唯一账簿管理人“IMRN”ASX。“IMC”)。此次发行包括339,130股ADS,每股ADS收费4.00美元,总收益为135万美元。 Immuron是一家专注于口服免疫球蛋白疗法的澳大利亚生物制药公司。 Sichenzia Ross Ference团队由Partners Gregory Sichenzia和Tara Guarneri-Ferrara领导。
新闻稿 – 2019年7月9日 – 纽约州纽约 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP代表RealWear,Inc。,一家创新科技公司,其旗舰产品HMT-1®是第一款坚固耐用的头戴式,可穿戴式,Android级平板电脑,可以解雇工人手中的危险工作,融资交易筹集了8000万美元。 B轮融资由Teradyne,Inc。(TER)领导,Teradyne,Inc。是工业自动化领域的全球领导者,其中包括Qualcomm Ventures和Bose Ventures等其他行业领导者的参与。 JPMorgan Chase&Co。担任RealWear,Inc。与B系列融资的独家配售代理。
新闻稿 – 纽约州纽约市 – 2019年7月8日 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,它代表Vuzix公司(纳斯达克“VUZI”)在注册直接公开发行股票,注册股票约548万股,价格为每股3.65美元和约548万股普通股购买认股权证,每股行使价4.10美元,对Vuzix的总收益约为2,000万美元。特别股权集团是Bradley Woods&Co。Ltd.的一个部门,是该发行的独家代理商。 Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP团队由Partners Gregory Sichenzia,Tara Guarneri-Ferrara和顾问Jeff Cahlon领导。
Press Release – New York, NY – June 10, 2019 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP announced today that it has represented its client, Document Security Systems, Inc. (NYSE American: DSS), in a $5.6 million public offering of its common stock. The offering consisted of 11.2 million shares of common stock at a price of $0.50 per share. Aegis Capital Corp. served as sole book running manager in connection with the offering. DSS is a leader in the anti-counterfeit, authentication and diversion protection technology space. The Sichenzia Ross Ference team was led by Partners Gregory Sichenzia, Darrin Ocasio, Tara Guarneri-Ferrara and Jeffrey D’Angelo.
Press Release – New York, NY – June 10, 2019 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Medicine Man Technologies, Inc. (OTC: MDCL) (“Medicine Man or the “Company”) in a securities purchase agreement with Dye Capital & Co. for the sale of up to $14 million of shares and common stock purchase warrants of the Company. The shares were sold at a price of $2.00 per share.
Press Release – New York, NY – June 4, 2019 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP (SRF) announced today that it has represented a FINRA member firm as financial advisor in the registered direct offering of 3.0 million shares of common stock and 3.0 million warrants of General Cannabis Corp. (OTCQX: CANN) at a price of $1.00 per share for gross proceeds of approximately $3.0 million.
Press Release – New York, NY – June 4, 2019 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP announced today that it has represented AIT Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AITB), a clinical-stage medical device and biopharmaceutical company focused on developing inhaled Nitric Oxide (NO) for the treatment of patients with respiratory conditions including serious lung infections and pulmonary hypertension, in a $8 million private placement of its common stock.
Press Release – New York, NY – May 31, 2019 – Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Aegis Capital Corp. as placement agent in a private offering of 270,833 shares of Common Stock of Medalist Diversified REIT, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDRR) at a purchase price of $4.80 per share for gross proceeds of approximately $1.3 million.
新闻稿-纽约,纽约-2019年9月27日-全国公认的证券和公司律师事务所Sichenzia Ross Ference LLP今天宣布,其代表全球云软件通信平台公司Pareteum Corporation(Nasdaq:“ TEUM”)承销公开发行18,852,273股普通股,每个单位由TEUM普通股的一股,一份购买TEUM普通股的A系列的购买权证,以及购买TEUM普通股的一半的B系列购买权证,以及3,875,000个预基金单位,包括一份预购权证,用于购买TEUM普通股的一股;一份A系列购买权证,用于购买TEUM普通股的一股; B系列购买权证,用于购买TEUM的一半股本。普通股。
Press Release – New York, NY – October 18, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Ference Kesner LLP announced today that it has represented ToughBuilt Industries, Inc. (“ToughBuilt”) in a private placement of equity as well as debt securities. ToughBuilt is a private company that markets and distributes various home improvement and construction product lines for both do-it-yourself and professional markets under the TOUGHBUILT® brand name within the global multi-billion dollar per year tool market industry.
Press Release – New York, NY – October 17, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Ference Kesner LLP announced today that it has represented Laidlaw & Company (UK) Ltd. as the exclusive placement agent in a private placement of equity securities of FTE Networks, Inc. (OTCQX: FTNW), continue reading >>
PRESS RELEASE – New York, NY – August 25, 2016 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP is pleased to announce that the firm has represented Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company applying proprietary technologies to produce novel therapies for infectious diseases, in a private placement of preferred stock and warrants resulting in total gross proceeds of $15,216,241. Maxim Merchant Capital, a division of Maxim Group LLC, acted as the exclusive placement agent for the offering. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partner Jeff Fessler, Avital Even-Shoshan, Evan Berger and Nazia Khan.
Press Release – New York, NY – July 11, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Rodman & Renshaw, a unit of H.C. Wainwright& Co., LLC, as the exclusive placement agent for a registered direct offering of EyeGate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: EYEG), a clinical-stage specialty pharmaceutical company that is focused on developing and commercializing therapeutics and drug delivery systems for treating diseases of the eye (“EyeGate”).
Press Release – New York, NY – July 11, 2016 – Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Vuzix Corporation in a firm commitment underwritten public offering of shares of common stock. The offering consisted of 1,150,000 shares of common stock, including continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – June 23, 2016 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP is pleased to announce that the firm has represented Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: TNXP), a developer of next-generation medicines for common disorders of the central nervous system, including fibromyalgia and post-traumatic stress disorder, in an underwritten public offering of 5,000,000 shares of its common stock. The shares were sold at a purchase price of $2.00 per share. Tonix raised $10 million in gross proceeds. Roth Capital Partners and National Securities Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of National Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:NHLD), acted as joint book-running managers for the offering.
The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partners Marc J. Ross and James M. Turner and associate Nazia Khan.
Press Release – New York, NY – June 21, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP, announced today that it has represented Joseph Gunnar & Co. LLC as sole book-running manager in a firm commitment underwritten public offering of shares and warrants of Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc.
Press Release – New York, NY – May 23, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Laidlaw & Company (UK) Ltd. and Roth Capital Partners, LLC as Joint Book-Running Managers of the initial public offering of PhaseRx, Inc. (NASDAQ: PZRX).
Press Release – New York, NY – May 19, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Axiom Capital Management, Inc. as the underwriter in a firm commitment underwritten public offering of equity securities of iSign Solutions Inc.
The offering consisted of 690,000 shares of common stock and warrants to purchase up to 345,000 shares of common stock. The common stock and warrants were offered at prices to the public of $1.74 and $0.01, respectively. The common stock and warrants trade under the symbols “ISGN” and “ISGW”, respectively. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partners Gregory Sichenzia, Richard Friedman, David Manno and associate Jeff Cahlon.
Press Release – New York, NY – March 3, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Viatar CTC Solutions Inc., a medical technology company focused on the treatment of patients with metastatic cancer, in a private placement of $4.2 million of Series B Preferred Stock. continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – February 26, 2016 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Laidlaw & Company (UK) Ltd. as the exclusive placement agent in a private placement of equity securities of Pershing Gold Corporation (NASDAQ: PGLC), a mining company (the “Company”). In connection with the offering, the Company accepted subscriptions for the sale of approximately $6.9 million in gross proceeds of 2,120,882 Units, with each Unit comprised of 1 share of Common Stock and a 30 month warrant to acquire 0.5 of a share of Common Stock at an exercise price of $5.06, at a price of $3.25 per Unit.
February 24, 2016 – New York, NY – Press Release – Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm represented Amarantus BioScience Holdings, Inc. in a $3 million offering of the Company’s Series H Convertible Preferred Stock and Warrants to purchase common stock.
Press Release – New York, NY – December 30, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the firm has represented OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – December 24, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that the firm has represented CBC Biotechnologies Inc., a commercial solutions provider of cannabinoid based products with applications in the fields of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics/skin care, in connection with a $2,000,000 Series A venture financing with Tuatara Capital Fund I, L.P.
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Press Release – New York, NY – December 23, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the firm has represented eMagin Corporation (NYSE MKT: EMAN) (the “Company”), the leader in the development, design and manufacture of Active Matrix OLED microdisplays for high resolution imaging products, in connection with its $6,000,000 registered direct offering. continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – November 17, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that the Firm has represented Takung Art Co., a provider of an online platform for artists and creative professionals, in connection with a $1,580,000 private placement of the Company’s common stock priced at $1.58 per share.
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New York, NY – November 9, 2015 – Press Release – Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented global content and brand management company Genius Brands International, Inc. continue reading >>
October 30, 2015 – New York, NY – Press Release – Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented investment bank Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. and Rodman and Renshaw, a division of H.C. Wainwright & Co. continue reading >>
October 28, 2015 – Press Release – New York, NY –Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) announced today the Firm has represented Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB (NASDAQ: OASM) (NASDAQ Stockholm: OSAM.ST), a Swedish biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative treatments within human and animal oncology, on the company’s U.S. underwritten public offering of American Depository Shares (ADSs) and warrants to purchase the company’s ADSs at an offering price of $4.06 per ADS. continue reading >>
New York, NY – Press Release – October 15, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) announced today that the Firm has represented Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd. (NYSE MKT: CANF) (TASE:CFBI), an Israeli biotechnology company advancing a pipeline of proprietary small molecule drugs that addresses cancer and inflammatory diseases, on a registered direct offering with institutional investors where the Company issued 1,109,196 American Depository Shares (ADSs) at a purchase price of $4.35 per ADS. continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – October 14, 2015 – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP is pleased to announce that the Firm has represented ContraVir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTRV), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of targeted antiviral therapies, on an underwritten public offering of 5,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock and warrants to purchase up to 3,000,000 shares of common stock at a combined public offering price of $3.00. continue reading >>
October 9, 2015 – New York, NY – Press Release – Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented Rightscorp, Inc., a technology company that provides monetization services for holders of copyrighted intellectual property (OTCQB:RIHT) in a private placement offering where the Company sold to accredited investors 10,320,000 shares of common stock and warrants.
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October 1, 2015 — New York, NY – Press Release – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) is pleased to announce that the Firm has represented Amarantus Bioscience Holdings, Inc. (OTCQX: AMBS), a biotechnology company developing therapeutic and diagnostic product candidates for orphan indications and neurology in a registered direct offering where Amarantus issued $2.75 million of newly designated Series H convertible preferred stock and warrants. continue reading >>
New York, NY – Press Release – September 22, 2015 –Securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented Israeli biotechnology company, Can-Fite BioPharma (NYSE: CANF)(TASE: CFBI) on a public offering with institutional investors where Can-Fite received $9 million in gross proceeds. continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – August 10, 2015 – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented Aegis Capital Corp. continue reading >>
New York, NY – May 15, 2015 – New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) announced today that the Firm has represented the underwriter Aegis Capital Corp. on the U.S. initial public offering of BiondVax Pharmaceuticals Ltd (NASDAQ: BVXV), continue reading >>
August 4, 2015 – Press Release – New York, NY – Nationally recognized securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented DelMar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCQX: DMPI), continue reading >>
Press Release – New York, NY – July 22, 2015—New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm has represented Trovagene, Inc. (NASDAQ: TROV), continue reading >>
Press Release – New York – July 17, 2015 – New York-based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the firm represented Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: TNXP), continue reading >>
Press Release – New York – July 17, 2015 – New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that acted as US counsel to Australian-based stem cell and regenerative medicine provider Cynata Therapeutics Limited (ASX: CYP) continue reading >>
新闻稿 — 纽约州纽约 – 2015 年 7 月 1 日 – 总部设在纽约的证券与企业法律师事务所 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) 今日宣布该事务所已经代表 Enhanced Surface Dynamics Inc. D.B.A Wellsense USA(以色列设计的褥疮监控设备的生产公司)进行该公司优先股和认股权证的 2 百万美元私募。
Wellsense 在 Profiscope Campus 开发。Profiscope Campus 是以色列科技孵化园,由 Powermat Technologies 创始人 Ran Poliakine 创办。Wellsense 的专利 M.A.P. 系统使用持续床边压力技术,使看护人能够使用实时压力分布数据监控患者。Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 的团队由合伙人 Gregory Sichenzia、法律顾问 Peter DiCharia 及 Gary Emmanuel 领导。National Securities Corporation 作为此次发行的私募代理商。
关于 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 是一家总部设在纽约市的律师事务所,提供证券行业各类事务的律师代理业务。他们的律师擅长为客户提供建议,例如私募、首次公开发行 (IPO)、第二次公开 发行、替代性出版发行、编制 SEC 备案文件以及在主要资本股票交易所上市,例如纽约证券交易所、NASDAQ 和 OTC 市场。此外,该事务所的诉讼和仲裁律师技术娴熟,擅长代表客户在 SEC、FINRA 及其他监管机构出庭进行常规诉讼或复杂案件诉讼。SRFF 在欧洲有国际合作机构,也擅长向国外发行商提供美国 IPO 和公开发行方面的建议。欲知详情,请访问 以及在 twitter 上关注 SRFF,账号 @srffllp。
2015 年 6 月 18 日 – 纽约州纽约 –位于纽约的证券和公司律师事务所 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (“SRFF”) 今日宣布该事务所已经代表唯一配售代理 Laidlaw & Company (UK) 完成了对 Actinium Pharmaceuticals 公司 (NYSE MKT:ATNM)(一家为治疗晚期癌症开发创新靶向免疫治疗方法的生物制药公司)的注册直接发行。发行包括以每股2.60 美元的购买价发行的 1,923,078 股公司普通股,累计总收益约为5,000,000 美元。
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 团队由合伙人 Richard A. Friedman 和 Stephen A. Cohen 领导
关于 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 是一家位于纽约的律师事务所,就涉及证券行业的众多事务提供经验丰富的代理。他们的律师专门就私募配售、首次 (IPO) 和二次公开募股、替代性公开发售、编制 SEC 文件和在 NYSE(纽约证券交易所)、NASDAQ 和 OTC 市场等主要资本股票交易所上市为客户提供建议。此外,该事务所的诉讼和仲裁律师在代表客户面对 SEC、FINRA 和其他监管机构处理从日常诉讼到复杂案例的业务方面非常熟练。SRFF 在欧洲也有国际附属公司,同样专门为外国发行商就美国 IPO 和公开发行提供建议。若要了解更多信息,请访问 并在 twitter @srffllp 上关注 SRFF
New York, NY – May 6, 2015 – New York City based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP (the “Firm”) announced today that the Firm has represented Laidlaw & CO. (UK) Ltd. continue reading >>
Vuzix 公司宣布来自 Intel 的 $2480 万美元投资
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 代表Vuzix 公司处理来自 Intel 的 $2480 万美元的投资事宜
纽约州纽约市–(2015 年 1 月 5 日) –位于纽约的证券和企业律师事务所 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 今日宣布该事务所代表 Vuzix® 公司 (OTCQB:VUZI)(“Vuzix” 或“公司”)——一家视频眼镜和智能眼镜产品的领先供应商——执行一次投资交易,在这次交易中 Intel 公司对 Vuzix 投资 $2480 万美元。Intel 的投资将用于日常流动资金,并会有助于加速引进 Vuzix 下一代可穿戴显示器产品进入消费者市场。
Intel 购买了 49,626 股 Vuzix 的 A 系列优先股,可按照每股 $5.00美元的初始转换价转换为 4,962,600 股该公司的普通股。在转换 A 系列优先股时可以发行的股份占到 Vuzix 流通股约 30%。
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 团队由合伙人 Gregory Sichenzia、Thomas A. Rose、Tara Guarneri Ferrara 和合伙人 Jeffrey Cahlon 领导。
关于 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 是一家证券和企业律师事务所,它提供经验丰富的专业代表处理涉及证券行业的所有事务,以及所有一般企业事务和诉讼事务。该事务所的客户既有初创公司也有著名的上市公司,包括私营和上市企业、合伙企业、券商、银行下属券商、投资顾问、注册工作人员、政府和企业客户和投资者、合作伙伴以及其他实体。该事务所也就包括复杂证券法考虑事项在内的交易为机构投资者提供建议,其业务包括作为美国以及世界各地的客户的代表。要了解关于 Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP 的更多信息,请访问 SRFF 的 LinkedIn 和 SRFF 的 Twitter:@SRFFLLP。
New York, NY – December 24, 2014 – Press Release: New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that the Firm represented H.C. Wainwright & Co. and Aegis Capital Corp. as underwriters in PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.’s public offering of 3,500,000 shares of common stock and 3,500,000 warrants. The gross proceeds from the offering were $14,035,000 and the offering price was $4.00 per share and $.01 per warrant. The warrants have a per share exercise price of $5.00 and are exercisable immediately. PlasmaTech common stock and warrants began trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market (effective December 19, 2014) under the symbols “PTBI” and “PTBIW” respectively.
PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on advanced targeted treatments for critical patient care. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partners Jeffrey J. Fessler and Marcelle Balcombe.
New York, NY – (Global Newswire) – 12/20/2014 – New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced today that it has represented Israeli biopharmaceutical company, Can-Fite Biopharma Ltd. (TASE: CFBI; NYSE MKT: CANF) on an at-the-market registered direct offering of for gross proceeds of $8,000,000. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partner Gregory Sichenzia, Associates Gary Emmanuel and Avital Even-Shoshan. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC acted as the Placement Agent in the offering.
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP Advises ContraVir Pharmaceuticals on $9.0 Million Private Placement
New York, October 28, 2014 (Global Newswire) – New York based securities law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has represented ContraVir Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of targeted antiviral therapies, on a $9 million private placement consisting of Series A Convertible Preferred stock to a non-U.S investor.
Pursuant to the private placement, the Series A Preferred Stock can be converted into shares of common stock at the conversion price of $0.48 per share. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by partner Jeffrey J. Fessler.
Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP Represents CEL-SCI Corporation on $6.0 Million Public Offering
New York, NY – October 29, 2014 – GLOBAL NEWSWIRE – New York based securities and corporate law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has advised Laidlaw & Co. (UK) Ltd. as the Lead Underwriter in a $6 million public Public Offering of CEL-SCI Corporation (NYSE MKT: CVM), a late-stage biotechnology company focused on oncology research and drug development. The underwriting was pursuant to a prospectus supplement to an effective S-3 registration statement. The offering consisted of common stock and warrants at a combined price of $0.76 per unit. Pursuant to the offering, CEL-SCI issued one warrant to purchase common stock for every four shares sold. The warrants have an exercise price of $1.25 per unit. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partner Richard A. Friedman and Associate Stephen Cohen.
August 18, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – New York – based securities law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has represented Labor Smart, Inc. (OTCBB: LTNC), a provider of on-demand construction, manufacturing and retail staffing , in a $1.1 million private placement pursuant of Regulation D. The transaction consisted of original issue discount debentures convertible at $0.15 per share and 100,000 shares of common stock. The Sichenzia RossFriedman Ference LLP team was led by Gregory Sichenzia and Jeff Cahlon.
NEW YORK, April 18, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New York- based securities law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has represented J.P. Turner & Company as sole Placement Agent in a $2.5 million private placement of X2 Bio systems, Inc., a privately held Seattle based science and technology company which is developing the first complete solution for assessing sport brain injuries. The offering consisted of $2.5 million of Units consisting of 6% convertible promissory notes and common stock purchase warrants. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by partners Gregory Sichenzia and David Manno.
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New York, NY – December 29, 2014 – Global Newswire – New York based securities law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that the Firm has represented Medovex Corporation (NASDAQ: MDVXU), a producer of medical device products, in an initial public offering of 1,391,305 units. Each unit consisted of one share of common stock and one Series A Warrant at a price of $5.75 per unit. The IPO resulted in gross proceeds of $8,000,003 to the Company. The IPO was underwritten by Laidlaw & Company (UK) LTD.
The units trade on the NASDAQ Capital Markets under the symbol “MDVXU” and the common stock and warrants will trade under the symbols “MDVX” and “MDVXW”, respectively on separation.
Medovex is developing and commercializing the DenerVex® device, which is used in the treatment of conditions resulting from the degeneration of joints in the spine that cause back pain. In 2013, Medovex entered into a Co-Development Agreement with Dr. James Andrews, a renowned orthopedic surgeon who also is a director of the Company. Additionally Medovex intends to seek out acquisition opportunities through its world class Board of Directors which also includes Steve Gorlin, Major General C.A. “Lou” Hennies and Dr. Scott M. W. Haufe.
The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by Partners Harvey Kesner, Arthur S. Marcus and Associate Marc J. Adesso.
NEW YORK, August 1, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – New York – based securities law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announces that it represented the lead investor in a $5.25 million private placement conducted by VBI Vaccines Inc. (NASDAQ: VBIV), formerly Paulson Capital (Delaware) Corp. The offering, which originally closed into escrow on July 25, 2013, consisted of the sale of one unit of VBI’s securities, made up of shares of Common Stock, Series A Preferred Stock and two class of warrants exercisable into shares of VBI’s Series B Preferred Stock. The release of the funds and securities in escrow was subject to certain conditions precedent which was satisfied on July 25, 2014, at which time the funds and securities were released.
VBI Vaccines, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company developing novel technologies that seek to expand vaccine protection in large underserved markets. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by partner Harvey Kesner and associate Tara Guarneri-Ferrara.
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NEW YORK, April 11, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – New York – based securities law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has represented Conkwest, Inc. in a $7.06 million private placement of the Preferred Stock and Warrants of Conkwest, Inc., a privately held company which is involved in the development of immunotherapeutic treatments for cancers and debilitating viral infections using targeted cancer killing cell-lines. The private placement was pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D. The offering consisted of 2,943,698 Units consisting of 2,943,698 shares of Series C Preferred Stock and 735,924 warrants to purchase common stock shares at $2.40 per Unit for a total offering of $7,064,875. Palladium Capital Corp. acted as placement agent on the offering. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP teamwas led by partners Harvey Kesner and Arthur S. Marcus.
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NEW YORK, March 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — New York- based securities law firm, Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP announced that it has represented Spherix Incorporated (SPEX. NASDAQ) on a $4.4 million private placement of units consisting of Common Stock and warrants at a unit price of $3.75. Spherix is an intellectual property company that owns patented and unpatented intellectual property. Laidlaw & Company (UK) Ltd. as sole placement agent for the offering. The Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference LLP team was led by partners Harvey Kesner and associate Tara Guarneri-Ferrara.
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